WordPress is an awesome platform for new bloggers to start a blog and start writing. But you need to set up and properly and follow some rules so no one can damage your blog and no one can stop you from getting success.
WordPress is working hard to make its platform as much secure as possible but since WordPress is an open-source project so hackers always target WordPress blog to hack.
According to Forbes, more than 30,000 websites hacked every day. Your little mistake can make a way for a hacker to hack your blog.
I hope you read my previous guide how to secure WordPress blog?
In this post, i am going to tell some of the best WordPress security plugins you can use To Protect Your WordPress Blog.
WordFence (Free & Paid):

Wordfence is no doubt one of the best free plugin out there which help you to secure your WordPress blog in awesome ways.
Used by millions this awesome plugin give you awesome features you just need to enable and done.
One of the downsides of this plugin is that this plugin is not good for those bloggers who using bad and cheap hostings.
This plugin needs good resources to run smoothly so for this plugin you should be using good hosting like Inmotion, Bluehost or If you want to use the dedicated server you can use Liquid Web.
Wordfence give you two plan one is premium and one is free.
One of the awesome thing I love about wordfence that this plugin ll scan your WordPress blog every day or scheduled time and tell you which file contains the virus and malicious links so you can delete it right from wordfence dashboards.
But free one is enough for you to secure your WordPress blog 🙂
Ithemes Security (Free And Paid)

If you are looking for the alternative of wordfence then no doubt that Ithemes security is the plugin you are looking for.
This plugin also gives you many features which ll help you to secure your WordPress blog and kick the bad guys so they ll not come again.
Ithemes also give two plans one is premium and one paid but same like wordfence free one is enough for you to protect your blog.
One if the awesome feature of ithemes security I love is file change detection. If someone manages to get into your site, they’ll probably add, remove or change a file. Get email alerts showing any recent file changes so you know if you’ve been hacked.
I am using this plugin and this plugin work like a charm.
Login LockDown: (Free)

One of the popular ways of hacking a WordPress blogs is brutal force attack.
Hackers ll start a script or software and attack your blog with different username or passwords till then when he ll get success.
So its recommended that you should use a complicated username and password to protect yourself from these attacks.
And also this recommended that you should use a good brutal force protection plugin.
For this Login Lock Down, Plugin is best.
By Default WordPress ll give unlimited chance to the hacker to log in your blog with different username or password means if he fails he can try again and again.
By using this plugin you can limit this feature.
You just need to install and activate this plugin and setup.
I recommended you to setup when someone try 3 times he ll banned to log in for 60 minutes so he can try again after 60 minutes.
Final WordPress:
So I hope you like these WordPress Security Plugins and I recommend you must choose one and use it on your WordPress blog so these plugins ll help you to protect your blog from hackers and viruses.
Lastly please share if you like.