Every growing business needs a strong online community of Facebook groups. This helps in boosting customer loyalty, gathering insight, promoting the business and more. All these factors are crucial when you want customers to return. If your primary goal is to build an online community, there is no better place than Facebook. Creating a group of target audiences is quite simple on this social media networking site.

Who Benefits from Facebook Groups?
First things first, you need to understand who benefits from these groups. Both marketing teams and business owners will benefit from the Facebook groups. With the help of online grouping, you can convert curious customers into actual ones.
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Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Facebook Groups
If you are planning to create a Facebook group for the very first time, you may feel intimidated. Fortunately, the process is not as complicated as you think. Few steps, you will have the group up and running.
- The very first step in creating a group is navigating to facebookcom/groups. In this page, you will find a create group button. After the button is clicked, you need to select a reason for creating the group. Three common reasons listed here would be: To connect and share, buy and sell or get things done.
– When it comes to business promotions, you must choose the “connect and share” option.
- Moving on, your group needs a name. The chosen name should blend with your purpose. It must send a message to your potential audiences.
- The very next step plays an important role in building any Facebook group. This is where you invite friends. Always focus on people who will be interested in your venture. They should be both supportive and inclined to know more.
– As a pro tip, you must not include potential customers in your list till the account is completely created.
- Most of the crucial stages in creating a Facebook group are done by now. Next, you need to set up the group based on business requirements. The group’s privacy settings have to be configured. There are two different types of groups on Facebook.
– You have the closed groups. These groups will be visible and accessible only to members.
– You have open groups. These groups can be accessed by anyone with a Facebook account.

Building the Group
The creation of a group on Facebook will be incomplete without descriptions. The descriptions are quite important. Mainly because newbies gather more information about your group by reading the descriptions. And, now would be the best time to choose a cover photograph. Both the descriptions and photograph should match with the products and services offered by the company. If possible, upload pictures of your brand logo and teams in the group. These will help in building a stronger brand image.
Promoting Your Group
Finally, you need to promote your Facebook group. A freshly created group needs members. You must ensure that people who are interested in your company are aware of the group. Common strategies for promoting the group are:
- Tweet about the group
- Post links to the group on your business page
- Invited people directly