Social media advertising and marketing strongly depend on audience engagement. This is a crucial factor that needs to be integrated into all your marketing strategies and platforms. Leveraging the benefits of social media engagement will help you boost the number of target audiences. Both these parameters are strongly related to one another.
In this busy, modern era – most people sleep on their smartphones. They have no trouble spending hours on their phones. If your strategy doesn’t capture the attention of these people, you are going to lose a lot of business. In layman’s terms, social media marketing is nothing but the process of connecting your business with clients. With this being said, here are a few tips on how to increase audience engagement.

#1 Respond!
First things first, you need to respond. Social media platforms expect businesses and customers to be “social”. If your customer decides to go through your article and leave a comment – appreciate this move. You must consider this as the best way of talking to them. Even if the comment is positive, or negative – you should send a response. If the comment posted is positive, say “Thank You”. And, if the comment posted by the viewer is negative, you must come up with a solution.
#2 Stay Engaging and Original

There are plenty of studies to prove the importance, and engaging nature of images and videos. If you want to boost engagement on your website, you need to replace text with images. To be more precise, you need to increase the frequency at which you post high-quality images. The images could be anything like gifs, memes, photographs or graphics. Each of these elements plays a key role in increasing audience engagement.
#3 Using Emojis

Many businesses are reluctant to make use of emojis. They consider these symbols as less professional, and not relevant. Well, the reality is a little different. “Emotions” are useful tools in the social media network. With every emoji, the kind of engagement you witness will change. This is why you need to encourage the use of these symbols. The best place to introduce emojis would be with the articles.
#4 Use Your Influencers
The talk about audience engagement will be incomplete without the influencers.

So, why are influencers important? Technically, an influencer is someone who is already famous. They have a steady fan base. And, when they say or do something, it is bound to reach a bigger crowd. They are aware of what their audiences need.
When you get closer to influencers in your industry, you will be able to learn so much. Start using them in your promotional activities. Soon, their followers may turn into yours!
#5 Use Humor and Wit
Online or offline, everyone wants the right dose of humour. It is important to keep your viewers entertained. Never overfeed them with promotional content. This will turn out to be bad for your venture. Instead, handpick illustrations and quotes that are funny. Try to introduce them to your website. When heavy posts are made lighter with humour, the world will start enjoying and craving for more.