WP Rocket : WordPress Caching Plugin

Since May 2021, when Google’s Core Web Vitals became a ranking consideration for mobile searches, they’ve been the talk of the town.

On desktops, they’ll be critical starting in January 2022. Everyone was trying to figure out how to get the most out of the most certify paint. Because of this, site owners don’t have to deal with it individually. Our WP Rocket review looks at one of the best (and priciest) caching plugins.

What is a WP Rocket?

WP Rocket is a WordPress caching plugin that does it all. WP Rocket was a revolution when it was introduced in 2013 to address the issues of slow-loading websites and muddled caching plugins.

The user-friendly design, minimum setup, and excellent customer service became an industry leader. WP Rocket now runs over 900,000 websites and is one of the most popular Word Press caching plugins.

How to speed up your word press website with WP Rocket in less than 15 minutes

As seen in the examples above, you’d like to achieve the same effects with your website. There are step-by-step instructions to help you complete this activity.

Step 1: Installing and activating the Plugin

You’ll have to manually add the Plugin to your Word Press site, unlike the plugins you can obtain through WordPress.org. Click “activate” after uploading the Plugin in your wp-admin > plugins section. You can enable caching on your site right away with WP Rocket, but there’s much more to it than that!

Step 2 :Configure File Optimization

In the WP Rocket settings in your wp-admin section, look for the “File Optimization” tab. File minification and file combining can be done here, with the following choices available:

  • Compress HTML.
  • Files from Google Fonts can be combined and matched.
  • When creating static resources, remove query strings from them.
  • Files from Google Fonts combine and match.
  • CSS files can be mixed and matched.
  • Streamline the distribution of CSS.
  • Compressing JavaScript files is a good idea.
  • It advises you to use JavaScript files in your project.
  • JavaScript loading is postponed.
  • jQuery in safe mode.

Step 3 :Control Your Heartbeat!

When you use the Heartbeat, you’re making requests to your server regularly, which can affect the speed of your site. We propose enabling Heartbeat control and setting it to “Reduce activity” for each option in WP Rocket.

WordPress Rocket’s Prices

In contrast to most other plugins, WP Rocket does not offer a free edition with a limited feature set and limited support but rather a paid version with additional capabilities and specialized email support.

The problem is that WP Rocket realized that caching is a complicated beast and that people require a lot of assistance. Without outstanding support, you can’t develop an excellent caching plugin, which costs money. To keep your license active, you can renew your subscription at a 30 percent discount after the first year following the purchase date.

Features of WP Rocket

So, what can WP Rocket do for you? There are numerous options available. That’s something we like, but it’s something that some people don’t, and they’d relatively fewer features.


For example, WP Rocket’s caching tab lets you configure whether or not to activate caching for mobile devices or site visitors. It also lets you alter the lifespan of the cache, although we only recommend you focus on this if Google PageInsights prompt you. Most WordPress themes are responsive these days, so they don’t require a separate mobile cache. Therefore the average cache lifespan should be adequate for most sites. Overall, caching isn’t anything extraordinary. WP Rocket settings are on par with its free alternatives in this category.

Extensive Documentation

WP Rocket features not just class-leading support but also an extensive quantity of documentation, all available straight within the Plugin, ready to search. You are making it quick and easy to find the answers you need without leaving the WordPress admin.

Cache Preloading

Pre-loading a cache is what? When using caching, you typically have to wait for a user to visit a page before the store is “created. Here, we go into greater detail. Even if no one has read the page, cache preloading fills your cache and keeps your website functioning at top performance.

Database Optimization

As your database fills up with old posts and revisions and other items you no longer need, WP Rocket gives you an easy way to purge it.

File optimization and minification

The File Optimization menu has many options for streamlining your website’s CSS and JavaScript code. WP Rocket has pushed the boundaries for adding valuable new features. It goes much beyond the standard options for minifying JavaScript and CSS files that you get in most performance plugins. With WP Rocket 3.9, there are a few unique features that you won’t find in most other WordPress performance plugins, making it a good value proposition.

Content Delivery Network

Networks of geographically dispersed servers help increase your site’s performance. CDNs will track your site visitor’s location and save files on the closest server they have. Reduce the physical distance between the servers hosting your most important files and your users to increase your site’s speed and ensure that it receives excellent speed metrics worldwide.

Media optimization

Using the Media Optimization option, you may enable lazy loading for your photos, videos, and iframe embeds. Using lazy loading, your site will wait until a visitor scrolls down the page before loading “below the fold” content. As a result, your site’s users will perceive faster page load speeds.

Cache Preloading

To maximize your site’s cache, you’ll want to use the Preload option to set up cache preloading. Your content is only added to the cache when someone visits it with most caching plugins. As a result of clearing your browser’s cache, first-time visitors may experience reduced page load times

Advanced rules.

As its name implies, the Advanced rules tab allows you to fine-tune the cache’s behavior. Advanced users and developers will benefit from the in-depth explanations, which the average user can probably do without.

Heartbeat control

The WordPress Heartbeat API maintains a “heartbeat” connection between your browser and server. Automatic saving of draughts prevents you from losing your work and is one of its many features. As a result, your server’s CPU utilization will be high, and its performance will suffer as it is constantly “beating.”

WP Rocket’s Advantages and disadvantages

There are a lot of advantages of  WP Rocket. It is the only cache plugin we’ve found with so many subtle alterations to pass Core Web Vitals. On top of that, you’ll be able to make your site load faster. The CVW requires both of these things to give. At the time of this writing, neither does WP Rocket.


  • Powerful Plugin to speed up your site
  • Hundreds of modest modifications to assist your WordPress site pass the CVW.
  • Tools that make life easier and better integrated
  • A user-friendly UI that isn’t too complicated


  • Pricey
  • lacking in features for a premium caching plugin.


Not only is WP Rocket one of the best ways to get a fast-loading WordPress site, but it is also straightforward to use. Several fantastic free caching and performance plugins are available to help speed up your WordPress site’s loading time.

Examples are WP Super Cache and WP Fastest Cache. On the other hand, most of these plugins provide only partial solutions, such as a page cache plugin, minification plugin, or lazy loading plugin.

WP Rocket combines these ideas into a single, easy-to-use dashboard, unlike other performance-enhancing plugins. To maintain compatibility with the rest of the system, only one Plugin needs to be updated.

WP Rocket has unique features that many other performance plugins don’t have, such as the ability to delete unneeded CSS and altogether postpone JavaScript execution


I am an Indian blogger, journalist, author and entrepreneur. I am working in digital marketing and IT sector for more than 10 years.

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